House Sponsorship

Battling on their knees on the front lines for every child in their home...Opening their door, and heart, to care for children who have been the victim of tragic circumstances...Dedicating their lives to modeling what healthy family relationships are supposed to look like. This is just a fraction of what our house parents are called upon to be and do.

House Sponsorship allows you to come alongside them in their calling. In addition to providing specific funding for each house, the sponsorship also ensures that each of our house parents and house helpers get paid. As has sometimes happened in Casa Bernabe history, when funds have run low, these families go without pay, sometimes for months.


Currently only 3 of our 8 houses are sponsored.


Casa Samuel


Situated at the top of the hill is Casa Samuel. Rony and Yesenia have been house parents for more than 5 years. In addition to their two daughters, Rony and Yesenia parent 10 boys who enjoy cooking together, soccer and board games. As a family they love laughing and playing together.

Rony also provides pastoral care for the families in our Families United program. House mom, Yesenia shared this with us. “Casa Bernabé, for me, has been a very important place where I have been able to serve and learn a lot. It is an incomparable place where God restores lives, not only of children, but also of adults. I have many years of service and still feel the same passion as if it were the first day. In all this time God has been faithful.” 

As a house, they have asked that we pray for the children and young people of Casa Samuel, so that God will restore their lives and continue to meet their needs.

Learn more about becoming a child sponsor for Casa Samuel →

Casa Nueva Esperanza


Luis and Nuvia, the house parents of Casa Nueva Esperanza, are our longest serving house parents. They have been house parents for almost 10 years. Many Sundays you will find Luis, Nuvia, and some of their boys leading worship during church. In addition to their two sons, Luis and Nuvia parent 11 other boys from ages 7 to 18. Their chihuahua Cici is very well known around campus.

Learn more about becoming a child sponsor for Casa Nueva Esperanza →


Casa Daniel

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The house parents of Casa Daniel are Juan and Mayra. They are our newest house parents who have been serving for about 6 months. They have one daughter who shares her parents with 7 boys from ages 4 to 16. You can usually find these boys cruising around campus on their bikes and jumping on the trampoline.

Learn more about becoming a child sponsor for Casa Daniel →

Casa David


Casa David’s house parents, Wilmer and Fernanda, have been house parents since 2017. They have two daughters who share their parents with a group of 11 boys from ages 3 to 14. The boys can often be seen playing with their puppy Chase or making ramps for their toy cars.

Learn more about becoming a child sponsor for Casa David →

Each story of an orphan child begins with a tragedy.And it usually gets worse. If we open our home to these children, it means that we will also feel their pain. Adoption reflects the gospel not only in its beauty, but also in the pain that accompanies it
— Jedd Medefind, Defend the Cause of the Orphan

Casa Lamar


Marlon and Ana Lu, house parents of Casa Lamar have served as house parents for about 4 years. They have two sons who share their parents with a group of 8 girls from ages 3 to 15. These girls love playing with the house parents’ baby son, and dressing up and playing with dolls.

Learn more about becoming a child sponsor for Casa Lamar →

Casa Promesa


Casa Promesa house parents, Leonel and Meylin have served as house parents since 2017. They have two daughters who share their parents with a group of 10 other girls. The girls at Promesa like to play board games and soccer. They enjoy spending time together as a family.

We asked Leonel and Meylin what, to them, made Casa Bernabé so special. This was their response, “We know that Casa Bernabé is a ministry loved by God.  And in this time, that has been so difficult for all of humanity, we have realized even more of the Lord’s love and faithfulness to all of us, his children. It is our privilege to serve here.”

Learn more about becoming a child sponsor for Casa Promesa →


Casa Ester


The house parents of Casa Ester are Josue and Rosy. They live at the bottom of the hill and have been house parents since 2017. You'll meet Josue if you ride the bus because he is our fabulous driver. They have one daughter and two sons who share their parents with a group of 7 girls from ages 4 to 17. This sweet family spends time riding bikes and exploring different trails and plants in the nearby forest.

Learn more about becoming a child sponsor for Casa Ester →

Casa Nueva Alabanza

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Casa Nueva Alabanza, located at the bottom of the hill is one of our girls’ houses. The house parents, are the newest on campus and have two daughters who share their parents with the children of Alabanza. This house loves to spend time outside playing on the swing set or volleyball.

Learn more about becoming a child sponsor for Casa Alabanza →