Storyteller Series - Sisters

This past year we have begun a new tradition at Casa Beranbé as we are seeing more and more children reunited with their families. We have begun giving children a puzzle piece in a glass jar as they leave as a reminder that, no matter how long or short our time together was they are always part of something bigger, our Casa Bernabé family and God’s family. We recently had a set of young sisters being reunited with an aunt after a short 2 month stay with us. As Edgar went to say goodbye to the girls on a Saturday afternoon and give them their puzzle pieces, he asked a simple question.


“What have you received from your time at here Casa Beranbé?”


Without hesitation one of the young girls answered, “What it means to follow God. I never knew much about Him until I came here.”


Edgar then asked her if she had ever received Jesus in her hear and she said no. He asked her if she would like to and she said yes so Edgar was able to pray with her to receive salvation.


This moment is an eternal answer to Sara’s prayer. It is a reminder of the truth of what they are doing at Casa Bernabe even in the midst of everything else.


2020 was a wild ride that showed us, now more than ever, those we serve need the stability and care that we provide and in order to do that, we need you.


Storyteller Series - Our Moms - Meet Yesenia


One year post-COVID: March 2021 Comprehensive Update